s3_client ([profile, creds, region_name, ...])
Construct s3 client with configured region_name. |
s3_open (url[, s3, range])
Open whole or part of S3 object |
s3_head_object (url[, s3])
Head object, return object metadata. |
s3_fetch (url[, s3, range])
Read entire or part of object into memory and return as bytes |
s3_dump (data, url[, s3])
Write data to s3 object. |
s3_url_parse (url)
Return Bucket, Key tuple |
auto_find_region ([session, default])
Try to figure out which region name to use :rtype: str |
get_aws_settings ([profile, region_name, ...])
Compute aws= parameter for set_default_rio_config . |
get_creds_with_retry (session[, max_tries, sleep])
Attempt to obtain credentials upto max_tries times with back off :type session: Session :param session: botocore session, see mk_boto_session :type max_tries: int :param max_tries: number of attempt before failing and returning None :type sleep: float :param sleep: number of seconds to sleep after first failure (doubles on every consecutive failure) |
mk_boto_session ([profile, creds, region_name])
Get botocore session with correct region configured |
ec2_current_region ()
Returns name of the region this EC2 instance is running in. |
ec2_metadata ([timeout])
When running inside AWS returns dictionary describing instance identity. |
configure_s3_access ([profile, region_name, ...])
Credentialize for S3 bucket access or configure public access. |