Dataset Documents#
Dataset metadata documents define critical metadata about a dataset including:
available data measurements
platform and sensor names
geospatial extents and projection
acquisition time
provenance information
Traditionally the EO (deprecated) format was used to capture information about individual datasets. However there are a number of issues with this format, so it is now deprecated and we recommend everyone move to using the EO3 Format.
The format is determined by the Open Data Cube using the $schema
field in the document.
Include an eo3 $schema
for eo3 documents. If no schema field exists, it
is treated as the older eo
EO3 Format#
EO3 is an intermediate format before we move to something more standard like STAC. Primary drivers for the development:
Avoid duplication of spatial information, by storing only native projection information
Capture geo-registration information per band, not per entire dataset
Capture image size/resolution per band
Lightweight lineage representation
# UUID of the dataset
id: f884df9b-4458-47fd-a9d2-1a52a2db8a1a
$schema: ''
# Product name
name: landsat8_example_product
# Native CRS, assumed to be the same across all bands
crs: "epsg:32660"
# Optional GeoJSON object in the units of native CRS.
# Defines a polygon such that all valid pixels across all bands
# are inside this polygon.
type: Polygon
coordinates: [[..]]
# Mapping name:str -> { shape: Tuple[ny: int, nx: int]
# transform: Tuple[float x 9]}
# Captures image size, and geo-registration
default: # "default" grid must be present
shape: [7811, 7691]
transform: [30, 0, 618285, 0, -30, -1642485, 0, 0, 1]
pan: # Landsat Panchromatic band is higher res image than other bands
shape: [15621, 15381]
transform: [15, 0, 618292.5, 0, -15, -1642492.5, 0, 0, 1]
# Per band storage information and references into `grids`
# Bands using the "default" grid should not need to reference it
pan: # Band using non-default "pan" grid
grid: "pan" # should match the name used in `grids` mapping above
path: "pan.tif"
red: # Band using "default" grid should omit `grid` key
path: red.tif # Path relative to the dataset location
path: blue.tif
path: multi_band.tif
band: 2 # int: 1-based index into multi-band file
netcdf_example: # just example, mixing TIFF and netcdf in one product is not recommended
layer: some_var # str: netcdf variable to read
# optional dataset location (useful for public datasets)
# Dataset properties, prefer STAC standard names here
# Timestamp is the only compulsory field here
eo:platform: landsat-8
eo:instrument: OLI_TIRS
# If it's a single time instance use datetime
datetime: 2020-01-01T07:02:54.188Z # Use UTC
# When recording time range use dtr:{start,end}_datetime
dtr:start_datetime: 2020-01-01T07:02:02.233Z
dtr:end_datetime: 2020-01-01T07:03:04.397Z
# ODC specific "extensions"
odc:processing_datetime: 2020-02-02T08:10:00.000Z
odc:file_format: GeoTIFF
odc:region_code: "074071" # provider specific unique identified for the same location
# for Landsat '{:03d}{:03d}'.format(path, row)
dea:dataset_maturity: final # one of: final| interim| nrt (near real time)
odc:product_family: ard # can be useful for larger installations
# Lineage only references UUIDs of direct source datasets
# Mapping name:str -> [UUID]
lineage: {} # set to empty object if no lineage is defined
Elements shape
and transform
can be obtained from the output of rio
info <image-file>
. shape
is basically height, width
tuple and
capturing a linear mapping from pixel space to projected space
encoded in a row-major order:
A command-line tool to validate eo3 documents called eo3-validate
is available
in the eodatasets3 library,
as well as optional tools to write these files more easily.
# transform [a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, 0, 0, 1]
[X] [a0, a1, a2] [ Pixel]
[Y] = [a3, a4, a5] [ Line ]
[1] [ 0, 0, 1] [ 1 ]
3D dataset metadata#
Dataset metadata documents for 3D measurements conform to the same EO3 schema as above. The example below is for a GEDI L2B cover_z dataset.
id: 9361f681-6e92-4b82-a3ca-3ed799df1116
name: gedi_l2b_cover_z
crs: epsg:4326
- 420
- 551
- 0.00027778
- 0.0
- 149.03966950632497
- 0.0
- -0.00027778
- -35.30265746130061
- 0.0
- 0.0
- 1.0
layer: array
path: ./GEDI02_B_2019294155401_O04856_T03859_02_001_01_cover_z.xarray_3d
datetime: 2019-10-21 15:54:01+00:00
dtr:end_datetime: 2019-10-21 15:54:01+00:00
dtr:start_datetime: 2019-10-21 15:54:01+00:00
eo:instrument: GEDI
eo:platform: ISS
odc:file_format: xarray_3d
odc:processing_datetime: 2021-04-15 04:43:01.926659
lineage: {}
- Note that this dataset metadata document:
references a 3D product definition which includes an extra_dimensions specification and an extra_dim name for the cover_z measurement (see: 3D product definition)
specifies a file_format which supports 3D data and for which there is a 3D enabled driver (see 3D Data Read Plug-ins).
describes storage properties specific to that format/driver. E.g. layer indicates the xarray variable for the driver to load (similar to the netcdf example above).
Time-stacked NetCDF files#
It is possible to add NetCDF files with multiple time slices to the Open Data Cube index. The time slice index can be specified by adding a fragment #part=<int> to the path of a band starting from 0.
path: file://
layer: some_var
EO (deprecated)#
The majority of prepare scripts still generate this format, so this section is maintained for historical context.
id: a066a2ab-42f7-4e72-bc6d-a47a558b8172
creation_dt: '2016-05-04T09:06:54'
product_type: DEM
platform: {code: SRTM}
instrument: {name: SIR}
format: {name: ENVI}
ll: {lat: -44.000138890272005, lon: 112.99986111}
lr: {lat: -44.000138890272005, lon: 153.99986111032797}
ul: {lat: -10.00013889, lon: 112.99986111}
ur: {lat: -10.00013889, lon: 153.99986111032797}
from_dt: '2000-02-11T17:43:00'
center_dt: '2000-02-21T11:54:00'
to_dt: '2000-02-22T23:23:00'
ll: {x: 112.99986111, y: -44.000138890272005}
lr: {x: 153.999861110328, y: -44.000138890272005}
ul: {x: 112.99986111, y: -10.00013889}
ur: {x: 153.999861110328, y: -10.00013889}
spatial_reference: GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_84",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
elevation: {path: dsm1sv1_0_Clean.img}
source_datasets: {}
- id
UUID of the dataset
- creation_dt
Creation datetime
- product_type, platform/code, instrument/name
Metadata fields supported by default.
- format
Format the data is stored in. For NetCDF and HDF formats it must be ‘NetCDF’ and ‘HDF’.
- extent
Spatio-temporal extents of the data in EPSG:4326 (lat/lon) coordinates. Used for search in the database. Note: Take care when reprojecting the geo_ref_points bounding box to the new coordinate system. The extent should be the bounding box of the data in EPSG:4326. (Don’t just re-project the four points, its likely wrong)
- grid_spatial/projection
- spatial_reference
Coordinate reference system the data is stored in. ‘EPSG:<code>’ or WKT string.
- geo_ref_points
Spatial extents of the data in the CRS of the data.
- valid_data (optional)
GeoJSON Geometry Object for the ‘data-full’ (non no-data) region of the data. Coordinates are assumed to be in the CRS of the data. Used to avoid loading useless parts of the dataset into memory. Only needs to be roughly correct. Prefer simpler geometry over accuracy.
- image/bands
Dictionary of band names to band definitions.
- path
Path to the file containing band data. Can be absolute of relative to the folder containing this document.
- layer (optional)
Variable name if format is ‘NetCDF’ or ‘HDF’. Band number otherwise. Default is 1.
- lineage
Dataset lineage metadata.
- source_datasets
Dictionary of source classifier to dataset documents like this one (yay recursion!).
source_datasets: level1: id: b7d01e8c-1cd2-11e6-b546-a0000100fe80 product_type: level1 creation_dt: 2016-05-18 08:09:34 platform: { code: LANDSAT_5 } instrument: { name: TM } format: { name: GeoTIFF } ...
- algorithm (optional)
Algorithm used to generate this dataset.
algorithm: name: brdf version: '2.0' doi: parameters: aerosol: 0.078565
- machine (optional)
Machine and software used to generate this dataset.
machine: hostname: r2200 uname: 'Linux r2200 2.6.32-573.22.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Mar 23 03:35:39 UTC 2016 x86_64' runtime_id: d052fcb0-1ccb-11e6-b546-a0000100fe80 software_versions: eodatasets: repo_url: version: '0.4'
- ancillary (optional)
Additional data used to generate this dataset.
ancillary: ephemeris: name: L52011318DEFEPH.S00 uri: /g/data/v10/eoancillarydata/sensor-specific/LANDSAT5/DefinitiveEphemeris/LS5_YEAR/2011/L52011318DEFEPH.S00 access_dt: 2016-05-18 18:30:03 modification_dt: 2011-11-15 02:10:26 checksum_sha1: f66265314fc12e005deb356b69721a7031a71374
Duplication of spatial information
Extent is stored in native projection
, and then again in lon/lat:extent->coord->{ll,lr,ul,ur}->{lat,lon}
Extent in lon/lat uses 4 points to encode a bounding box
This format strongly suggests incorrect implementation of simply projecting four image corners into lon/lat in the prepare script.
Costly lineage representation
To record lineage one has to recursively include the entire dataset document for every input dataset. This gets expensive for summary products with thousands of input datasets.
Format does not capture per band resolution/image size