# This file is part of the Open Data Cube, see https://opendatacube.org for more information
# Copyright (c) 2015-2024 ODC Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import numpy as np
import collections.abc
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import Tuple
from affine import Affine
# This is numeric code, short names make sense in this context, so disabling
# "invalid name" checks for the whole file
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
class WindowFromSlice:
""" Translate numpy slices to rasterio window tuples.
def __getitem__(self, roi):
if roi is None:
return None
if not isinstance(roi, collections.abc.Sequence) or len(roi) != 2:
raise ValueError("Need 2d roi")
row, col = roi
return ((0 if row.start is None else row.start, row.stop),
(0 if col.start is None else col.start, col.stop))
w_ = WindowFromSlice()
def polygon_path(x, y=None):
"""A little bit like numpy.meshgrid, except returns only boundary values and
limited to 2d case only.
[0,1], [3,4] =>
array([[0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[3, 3, 4, 4, 3]])
[0,1] =>
array([[0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 1, 0]])
if y is None:
y = x
return np.vstack([
np.vstack([x, np.full_like(x, y[0])]).T,
np.vstack([np.full_like(y, x[-1]), y]).T[1:],
np.vstack([x, np.full_like(x, y[-1])]).T[::-1][1:],
np.vstack([np.full_like(y, x[0]), y]).T[::-1][1:]]).T
def gbox_boundary(gbox, pts_per_side=16):
"""Return points in pixel space along the perimeter of a GeoBox, or a 2d array.
H, W = gbox.shape[:2]
xx = np.linspace(0, W, pts_per_side, dtype='float64')
yy = np.linspace(0, H, pts_per_side, dtype='float64')
return polygon_path(xx, yy).T[:-1]
[docs]def roi_boundary(roi, pts_per_side=2):
Get boundary points from a 2d roi.
roi needs to be in the normalised form, i.e. no open-ended start/stop, see roi_normalise
:returns: Nx2 float64 array of X,Y points on the perimeter of the envelope defined by `roi`
yy, xx = roi
xx = np.linspace(xx.start, xx.stop, pts_per_side, dtype='float64')
yy = np.linspace(yy.start, yy.stop, pts_per_side, dtype='float64')
return polygon_path(xx, yy).T[:-1]
def align_down(x, align):
return x - (x % align)
def align_up(x, align):
return align_down(x+(align-1), align)
[docs]def scaled_down_roi(roi, scale: int):
return tuple(slice(s.start//scale,
align_up(s.stop, scale)//scale) for s in roi)
[docs]def scaled_up_roi(roi, scale: int, shape=None):
roi = tuple(slice(s.start*scale,
s.stop*scale) for s in roi)
if shape is not None:
roi = tuple(slice(min(dim, s.start),
min(dim, s.stop))
for s, dim in zip(roi, shape))
return roi
[docs]def scaled_down_shape(shape, scale: int):
return tuple(align_up(s, scale)//scale for s in shape)
[docs]def roi_shape(roi):
def slice_dim(s):
return s.stop if s.start is None else s.stop - s.start
if isinstance(roi, slice):
roi = (roi,)
return tuple(slice_dim(s) for s in roi)
[docs]def roi_is_empty(roi):
return any(d <= 0 for d in roi_shape(roi))
[docs]def roi_is_full(roi, shape):
Check if ROI covers the entire region.
:returns: True if roi covers region from (0,..) -> shape
False otherwise
def slice_full(s, n):
return s.start in (0, None) and s.stop in (n, None)
if isinstance(roi, slice):
roi = (roi,)
shape = (shape,)
return all(slice_full(s, n) for s, n in zip(roi, shape))
[docs]def roi_normalise(roi, shape):
Fill in missing .start/.stop, also deal with negative values, which are
treated as offsets from the end.
.step parameter is left unchanged.
np.s_[:3, 4: ], (10, 20) -> np._s[0:3, 4:20]
np.s_[:3, :-3], (10, 20) -> np._s[0:3, 0:17]
def fill_if_none(x, val_if_none):
return val_if_none if x is None else x
def norm_slice(s, n):
start = fill_if_none(s.start, 0)
stop = fill_if_none(s.stop, n)
start, stop = [x if x >= 0 else n+x for x in (start, stop)]
return slice(start, stop, s.step)
if not isinstance(shape, collections.abc.Sequence):
shape = (shape,)
if isinstance(roi, slice):
return norm_slice(roi, shape[0])
return tuple([norm_slice(s, n) for s, n in zip(roi, shape)])
[docs]def roi_pad(roi, pad, shape):
Pad ROI on each side, with clamping (0,..) -> shape
def pad_slice(s, n):
return slice(max(0, s.start - pad), min(n, s.stop + pad))
if isinstance(roi, slice):
return pad_slice(roi, shape)
return tuple(pad_slice(s, n) for s, n in zip(roi, shape))
[docs]def apply_affine(A: Affine, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
broadcast A*(x_i, y_i) across all elements of x/y arrays in any shape (usually 2d image)
shape = x.shape
A = np.asarray(A).reshape(3, 3) # type: ignore[assignment]
t = A[:2, -1].reshape((2, 1)) # type: ignore[index]
A = A[:2, :2] # type: ignore[index]
x, y = A @ np.vstack([x.ravel(), y.ravel()]) + t
x, y = (a.reshape(shape) for a in (x, y))
return (x, y)
[docs]def split_translation(t):
Split translation into pixel aligned and sub-pixel components.
Subpixel translation is guaranteed to be in [-0.5, +0.5] range.
> x + t = x + t_whole + t_subpix
:param t: (float, float)
:returns: (t_whole: (float, float), t_subpix: (float, float))
from math import fmod
def _split1(x):
x_part = fmod(x, 1.0)
x_whole = x - x_part
if x_part > 0.5:
x_part -= 1
x_whole += 1
elif x_part < -0.5:
x_part += 1
x_whole -= 1
return (x_whole, x_part)
_tt = [_split1(x) for x in t]
return tuple(t[0] for t in _tt), tuple(t[1] for t in _tt)
[docs]def is_affine_st(A, tol=1e-10):
True if Affine transform has scale and translation components only.
(_, wx, _,
wy, _, _,
*_) = A
return abs(wx) < tol and abs(wy) < tol
[docs]def decompose_rws(A):
Compute decomposition Affine matrix sans translation into Rotation, Shear and Scale.
Note: that there are ambiguities for negative scales.
Example: R(90)*S(1,1) == R(-90)*S(-1,-1),
(R*(-I))*((-I)*S) == R*S
A = R W S
R [ca -sa] W [1, w] S [sx, 0]
[sa ca] [0, 1] [ 0, sy]
:return: Rotation, Sheer, Scale
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
from numpy.linalg import cholesky, det, inv
if isinstance(A, Affine):
def to_affine(m, t=(0, 0)):
a, b, d, e = m.ravel()
c, f = t
return Affine(a, b, c,
d, e, f)
(a, b, c,
d, e, f,
*_) = A
R, W, S = decompose_rws(np.asarray([[a, b],
[d, e]], dtype='float64'))
return to_affine(R, (c, f)), to_affine(W), to_affine(S)
assert A.shape == (2, 2)
WS = cholesky(A.T @ A).T
R = A @ inv(WS)
if det(R) < 0:
R[:, -1] *= -1
WS[-1, :] *= -1
ss = np.diag(WS)
S = np.diag(ss)
W = WS @ np.diag(1.0/ss)
return R, W, S
[docs]def affine_from_pts(X, Y):
Given points X,Y compute A, such that: Y = A*X.
Needs at least 3 points.
:rtype: Affine
from numpy.linalg import lstsq
assert len(X) == len(Y)
assert len(X) >= 3
n = len(X)
XX = np.ones((n, 3), dtype='float64')
YY = np.vstack(Y)
for i, x in enumerate(X):
XX[i, :2] = x
mm, *_ = lstsq(XX, YY, rcond=-1)
a, d, b, e, c, f = mm.ravel()
return Affine(a, b, c,
d, e, f)
def get_scale_from_linear_transform(A):
Given a linear transform compute scale change.
1. Y = A*X + t
2. Extract scale components of A
Returns (sx, sy), where sx > 0, sy > 0
_, _, S = decompose_rws(A)
return abs(S.a), abs(S.e)
[docs]def get_scale_at_point(pt, tr, r=None):
Given an arbitrary locally linear transform estimate scale change around a point.
1. Approximate Y = tr(X) as Y = A*X+t in the neighbourhood of pt, for X,Y in R2
2. Extract scale components of A
pt - estimate transform around this point
r - radius around the point (default 1)
tr - List((x,y)) -> List((x,y))
takes list of 2-d points on input and outputs same length list of 2d on output
Returns (sx, sy), where sx > 0, sy > 0
pts0 = [(0, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1)]
x0, y0 = pt
if r is None:
XX = [(float(x+x0), float(y+y0)) for x, y in pts0]
XX = [(float(x*r+x0), float(y*r+y0)) for x, y in pts0]
YY = tr(XX)
A = affine_from_pts(XX, YY)
return get_scale_from_linear_transform(A)
def _same_crs_pix_transform(src, dst):
assert src.crs == dst.crs
def transform(pts, A):
return [A*pt[:2] for pt in pts]
_fwd = (~dst.transform) * src.transform # src -> dst
_bwd = ~_fwd # dst -> src
def pt_tr(pts):
return transform(pts, _fwd)
pt_tr.back = lambda pts: transform(pts, _bwd)
pt_tr.back.back = pt_tr
pt_tr.linear = _fwd
pt_tr.back.linear = _bwd
return pt_tr
[docs]def compute_axis_overlap(Ns: int, Nd: int, s: float, t: float) -> Tuple[slice, slice]: # noqa: N803
s, t define linear transform from destination coordinate space to source
>> x_s = s * x_d + t
Ns -- number of pixels along some dimension of source image: (0, Ns)
Nd -- same as Ns but for destination image
:returns: (slice in the source image,
slice in the destination image)
from math import floor, ceil
needs_flip = s < 0
if needs_flip:
# change s, t to map into flipped src, i.e. src[::-1]
s, t = -s, Ns - t
assert s > 0
# x_d = (x_s - t)/s => 1/s * x_s + t*(-1/s)
# x_d = s_ * x_s + t_
s_ = 1.0/s
t_ = -t*s_
if t < 0:
# |<------- ... D
# |<--- ... S
_in = (0, min(floor(t_), Nd))
# |<--... D
# |<---------... S
_in = (min(floor(t), Ns), 0)
a = ceil(Nd*s + t)
if a <= Ns:
# ...----->| D
# ...-------->| S
_out = (max(a, 0), Nd)
# ...-------->| D
# ...----->| S
_out = (Ns, max(0, ceil(Ns*s_ + t_)))
src, dst = (slice(_in[i], _out[i]) for i in range(2))
if needs_flip:
# remap src from flipped space to normal
src = slice(Ns - src.stop, Ns - src.start) # type: ignore
return (src, dst)
def box_overlap(src_shape, dst_shape, ST, tol): # noqa: N803
Given two image planes whose coordinate systems are related via scale and
translation only, find overlapping regions within both.
:param src_shape: Shape of source image plane
:param dst_shape: Shape of destination image plane
:param ST: Affine transform with only scale/translation,
direction is: Xsrc = ST*Xdst
:param tol: Sub-pixel translation tolerance that's scaled by resolution.
from datacube.utils.math import maybe_int, snap_scale
(sx, _, tx,
_, sy, ty,
*_) = ST
sy = snap_scale(sy)
sx = snap_scale(sx)
ty = maybe_int(ty, tol)
tx = maybe_int(tx, tol)
s0, d0 = compute_axis_overlap(src_shape[0], dst_shape[0], sy, ty)
s1, d1 = compute_axis_overlap(src_shape[1], dst_shape[1], sx, tx)
return (s0, s1), (d0, d1)
[docs]def roi_intersect(a, b):
Compute intersection of two ROIs
def slice_intersect(a, b):
if a.stop < b.start:
return slice(a.stop, a.stop)
elif a.start > b.stop:
return slice(a.start, a.start)
_in = max(a.start, b.start)
_out = min(a.stop, b.stop)
return slice(_in, _out)
if isinstance(a, slice):
if not isinstance(b, slice):
b = b[0]
return slice_intersect(a, b)
b = (b,) if isinstance(b, slice) else b
return tuple(slice_intersect(sa, sb) for sa, sb in zip(a, b))
[docs]def roi_center(roi):
""" Return center point of roi
def slice_center(s):
return (s.start + s.stop)*0.5
if isinstance(roi, slice):
return slice_center(roi)
return tuple(slice_center(s) for s in roi)
[docs]def roi_from_points(xy, shape, padding=0, align=None):
Compute envelope around a bunch of points and return it as roi (tuple of
row/col slices)
Returned roi is clipped (0,0) --> shape, so it won't stick outside of the
valid region.
def to_roi(*args):
return tuple(slice(v[0], v[1]) for v in args)
assert len(shape) == 2
assert xy.ndim == 2 and xy.shape[1] == 2
ny, nx = shape
_in = np.floor(xy.min(axis=0)).astype('int32') - padding
_out = np.ceil(xy.max(axis=0)).astype('int32') + padding
if align is not None:
_in = align_down(_in, align)
_out = align_up(_out, align)
xx = np.asarray([_in[0], _out[0]])
yy = np.asarray([_in[1], _out[1]])
xx = np.clip(xx, 0, nx, out=xx)
yy = np.clip(yy, 0, ny, out=yy)
return to_roi(yy, xx)
[docs]def compute_reproject_roi(src, dst, tol=0.05, padding=None, align=None):
"""Given two GeoBoxes find the region within the source GeoBox that overlaps
with the destination GeoBox, and also compute the scale factor (>1 means
shrink). Scale is chosen such that if you apply it to the source image
before reprojecting, then reproject will have roughly no scale component.
So we breaking up reprojection into two stages:
1. Scale in the native pixel CRS
2. Reprojection (possibly non-linear with CRS change)
- src[roi] -> scale -> reproject -> dst (using native pixels)
- src(scale)[roi(scale)] -> reproject -> dst (using overview image)
Here roi is "minimal", padding is configurable though, so you only read what you need.
Also scale can be used to pick the right kind of overview level to read.
Applying reprojection in two steps allows us to use pre-computed overviews,
particularly useful when shrink factor is large. But even for data sources
without overviews there are advantages for shrinking source image before
applying reprojection: mainly quality of the output (reduces aliasing for
large shrink factors), improved efficiency of the computation is likely as
Also compute and return ROI of the dst geobox that is affected by src.
If padding is None "appropriate" padding will be used depending on the
transform between src<>dst:
- No padding beyond sub-pixel alignment if Scale+Translation
- 1 pixel source padding in all other cases
:param tol: Sub-pixel translation tolerance as a percentage of resolution.
:returns: SimpleNamespace with following fields:
.roi_src : (slice, slice)
.roi_dst : (slice, slice)
.scale : float
.scale2 : (sx: float, sy: float)
.is_st : True|False
.transform : src coord -> dst coord
For scale direction is: "scale > 1 --> shrink src to fit dst"
pts_per_side = 5
def compute_roi(src, dst, tr, pts_per_side, padding, align):
XY = np.vstack(tr.back(gbox_boundary(dst, pts_per_side)))
roi_src = roi_from_points(XY, src.shape, padding, align=align)
if roi_is_empty(roi_src):
return (roi_src, np.s_[0:0, 0:0])
# project src roi back into dst and compute roi from that
xy = np.vstack(tr(roi_boundary(roi_src, pts_per_side)))
roi_dst = roi_from_points(xy, dst.shape, padding=0) # no need to add padding twice
return (roi_src, roi_dst)
tr = native_pix_transform(src, dst)
if tr.linear is not None:
tight_ok = align in (None, 0) and padding in (0, None)
is_st = is_affine_st(tr.linear)
if tight_ok and is_st:
roi_src, roi_dst = box_overlap(src.shape, dst.shape, tr.back.linear, tol)
padding = 1 if padding is None else padding
roi_src, roi_dst = compute_roi(src, dst, tr, 2, padding, align)
scale2 = get_scale_from_linear_transform(tr.linear)
is_st = False
padding = 1 if padding is None else padding
roi_src, roi_dst = compute_roi(src, dst, tr, pts_per_side, padding, align)
center_pt = roi_center(roi_src)[::-1]
scale2 = get_scale_at_point(center_pt, tr)
# change scale direction to be a shrink by factor
scale2 = tuple(1/s for s in scale2)
scale = min(scale2)
return SimpleNamespace(roi_src=roi_src,